02 November 2011

In His Hands

These past couple of weeks has been beyond chaotic! Midterm week is insane and almost OVER!! It’s hard for me to grasp that I only have less than six weeks left to go before my first full semester is completed! I am so relieved! I already have my second semester scheduled and ready to go; what a huge burden lifted off of my shoulders!
          I apologize for not socializing more; if I could I would be everywhere at once!! The classes I am taking are very intense; not unmanageable because my God is in control and is guiding me – He has taken the pressure off of myself and laid it on Himself which is beyond my comprehension! It’s hard for me to not try to take control of my grades especially with acceptance into the Nursing program being so extremely competitive; I have to remind myself CONSTANTLY to lay it into God’s hands which is beyond difficult to do since it’s something I feel so passionately about. God is teaching me so many things which are beyond my comprehension!
          My nose has basically been in my books these past couple of weeks; I’ve been trying to remind myself that all I can give is my best and the rest is up to God. I absolutely adore my Structure and Function class; every class leaves me intrigued and wanting to know more! The human body is beyond fascinating! I love all of my classes except for my Chemistry class; as I said before it is extremely intense- we started out with 60 and now down to less than 20! I am extremely disappointed to see so many of my friends who were with me to now be dropping this class; it’s going to be so extremely different with the small amount that’s left and I’m going to miss each and every one of them! In all honesty, I myself have considered dropping this class because of the competitiveness of GPA in the nursing program; I know I worry WAYYY too much about getting into the program by trying to have a “perfect” GPA which is impossible on my own and utterly exhausting! I was beyond disappointed with my grade in Chemistry as I wanted to get straight A’s; God has shown me and continues to show me that my future is NOT in my own hands! I am my own worst enemy!!
          Well, Courtney comes home soon and I can’t wait to go pick her up! The house is beyond amazing as the presence of God can be felt before you even open the doors; it’s so powerful and love radiates from every corner! She is in good hands, yet I miss her- a part of me is missing and can’t wait for her to come home so we can spend time together! How selfish, I know; I am an imperfect and sinful human being just like everyone else! The world DESERVES to know Courtney- the amazing woman I am beyond honored to call my twin! I can’t wait for a COMPLETE Christmas on Thanksgiving in just a couple of weeks; God is way too good! Please continue to keep Courtney and I in your prayers as we seek to follow Christ’s guidance in our lives in separate areas; God’s ways are incredible as Courtney is going across the world to follow God yet she is still close to me- in my heart! She will ALWAYS be a part of me and nothing will ever tear us apart! God’s ways are not our own ways, I’ve learned through experience!!

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